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Reach for Your Paddle Pickleball Tournament

Dill Dinkers North Bethesda
4942 Boiling Brook Pkwy, North Bethesda, MD 20852

Sunday, March 23rd


Learn your way around a paddle in an introductory clinic for beginners from 3-4 p.m., or show off your skills during the doubles tournament from 4-6 p.m.

Equipment is available for those who need it. Please wear athletic attire and non-marking court shoes. 


3-4 p.m.: Beginners Clinic with Coach - No experience necessary. Beginners will have access to courts after the lesson ends at 4 p.m. to practice and experiment.

4-6 p.m.: Doubles Tournament - Prior pickleball experience recommended. The top three teams will receive a prize.

$25/Player - Beginners Clinic Ticket
$50/Player - Doubles Tournament Ticket


Sponsorship Opportunities

Ace - $1,000

Eight (8) tournament tickets | Name and/or logo featured on the homepage | Spotlight in the Reach e-newsletter | Social media posting of sponsorship | Listed as a sponsor on the event signage at the pickleball tournament

Smash  - $750

Six (6) tournament tickets | Name and/or logo featured on the pickleball event page for three (3) months | Social media posting of sponsorship | Listed as a sponsor on the event signage at the pickleball tournament

Dink - $500

Four (4) tournament tickets | Name and/or logo featured on the pickleball event page for one (1) month | Social media posting of sponsorship | Listed as a sponsor on the event signage at the pickleball tournament event

Volley - $250

Two (2) tournament tickets | Social media posting of sponsorship | Listed as a sponsor on the event signage at the pickleball tournament 

Sponsor Reach's Pickleball Tournament

One time






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Our Sponsors

Ace Sponsor

The Ashton Family

Volley Sponsor

Bravium Consulting

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