Community Reach of Montgomery County has been serving the Rockville and Montgomery County community since 1967. We take great pride in our history.
Faith United Church of Christ and St. Andrew Presbyterian Church merge as Rockville United Church in order to develop a community ministry. Named the United Church Center for Community Ministries (UCCCR), it is headed by Rev. Don Maccallum. He begins coffeehouses and additional youth programs to help these groups feel more connected, have a voice, and find mentors. Rev. Maccallum successfully advocates for the establishment of a city Youth Service Division and a county Drug Education and Counseling Department.
Rev. Mansfield "Kasey" Kaseman becomes Community Minister. Kasey reorganizes the UCCCM and changes the name to Community Ministries of Rockville.
The Community Minister position passes to Rev. Alfred Winham, a strong supporter of Civil Rights issues. Rev. Winham advocates for the creation of the City of Rockville Human Rights Commission. He pushes for fair housing, hiring, and education for minority groups.
As federal public assistance dollars are reduced, CMR establishes direct services in partnership with the City of Rockville. The Rockville Emergency Assistance Program (REAP) helps Rockville residents avoid eviction and utility termination.
CMR launches Elderly Ministries. The program provides home care services such as light housekeeping and personal care assistance. These services, provided free-of-charge, allow low to mid-low income seniors to remain safely independent in their own homes.
CMR opens the Chase Partnership Center. Named after Calvin Chase, a homeless man who froze to death behind a gas station in Rockville, it is a transitional shelter for men.
Kasey formalizes the work of the Community Ministry by forming the work of UCCCM by creating a nonprofit 501(c)(3) named "Community Ministries of Rockville".
CMR opens Jefferson House, a permanent supportive home for six men who have successfully completed addiction programs. Agnes Saenz joins CMR team to help with finances and Hispanic outreach.
CMR works with the Latino community leaders to respond to the educational needs of the fastest growing minority group in Montgomery County. The Latino Outreach Program (LOP), is established to provide affordable "English as a second language" classes. This program includes child care and homework assistance for the students' children.
"Safe and Habitable" services are added to the Elderly Ministries program to further aid seniors as they age in place. LOP begins drug and alcohol awareness sessions for the children's classes.
Kasey, as a member of the Rockville Human Services Committee, helps create policies and guidelines for the "Commission on Human Services." CMR works with the City to find new housing for residents of Blandford Apartments. Agnes Saenz receives a Public Service Achievement Award from MD Governor Glendening. LOP adds a preschool enrichment program.
Sophia House is created to provide shelter to 24 homeless women during the coldest months.
Sophia House moves to a year-round program. Kasey is named Rockville Chamber's Citizen of the Year. In partnership with Catholic Charities, LOP provides workshops for completing INS forms and applying for citizenship.
CMR's Sophia House develops a partnership with the new Montgomery County Avenue Women's Center to provide services to enhance life skills.
The Agnes Saenz Fund is established in honor of Agnes's 10 years of service to CMR. LOP expands the Health Prevention Program that began with drug and alcohol awareness in 1995. The expansion includes colon cancer prevention and health promoters to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health information.
Ten permanent supportive houses open as part of the "Hope Housing Program," a partnership with the Montgomery County Coalition for the homeless, Stepping Stones and Community Ministry of Montgomery County. CMR manages three of the houses. Montgomery County combines management of Wilkins Avenue and Sophia House to one program under CMMC.
CMR's Health Care Initiative begins with focus groups to determine health service needs of those without insurance and creates an advisory committee to plan a permanent clinic.
Kasey Kaseman retires and becomes Executive Director Emeritus. CMR helps the victims of the Rock Creek Woods apartment fire.
Chase Shelter adds daytime programs as it transitions from an overnight shelter to a 24 hour, 7 day program.
Agnes Saenz becomes CMR's Executive Director.
The Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic opens at West Middle Lane to serve patients 1.5 days each week. CMR's Rockville Emergency Assistance Program helped Rockville residents remain in their homes through the 2008 Recession.
The Kaseman Health Clinic establishes a Board of Directors as it legally becomes a subsidiary of CMR. Montgomery County combines management of three shelters, including Chase Partnership, to one program under Catholic Charities.
The Kaseman Health Clinic sees patients three full days each week. Agnes is appointed to the Montgomery Cares Advisory Board. Management of Hope Housing moves to Montgomery County Coalition for the homeless.
Latino Outreach Program becomes Language Outreach Program as the immigrant population of Rockville and Montgomery County changes.
The Kaseman Health Clinic sees patients five full days each week. The kitchen at the Jefferson House is completely renovated thanks to a donation of all materials and labor by Clark Construction.
Rockland House opens to provide permanent supportive housing to five women leaving homelessness. In partnership with Primary Care Coalition, the Clinic provides behavioral health care to Clinic patients.
With help from Compass Foundation, CMR's Board of Directors is restructured; our bylaws and articles of incorporation are amended accordingly. A Faith Advisory Committee is created.
Through a grant, Taproot Foundation provides a study of the CMR name and mission in the community we serve.
CMR celebrates "Achieving the Extraordinary Together" through 50 years of service to Rockville and Montgomery County.
CMR becomes Community Reach of Montgomery County to better illustrate our mission and the community we serve.
Elderly Ministries is renamed Senior Reach.