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Volunteer Spotlight: Truist Bank Employee Lydia Faleye Helps Housing Residents Improve Financial Literacy

Updated: Feb 14

An important part of Reach’s Housing Program is helping residents gain useful skills that will help them work more effectively towards their goals. Over the past few months, both Jefferson and Rockland House residents have participated in a series of workshops on financial literacy led by Lydia Faleye of Truist Bank.

Lydia Faleye, Housing Program volunteer
Lydia Faleye, Housing Program volunteer

Lydia, who has worked for Truist Bank for almost 25 years, recently moved to Montgomery County. On a recommendation from a co-worker who used to volunteer with the Housing Program, she explored how she could get involved and chose to present topics like budgeting, savings, basic banking, and credit, all of which help form the foundation for financial success. Lydia enjoys collaborating with the residents and “sharing information that will help [them] be and do better.” In particular, she finds “great joy” in “watching [their] faces as they connect the dots on credit scores and savings strategies.”

Jefferson House resident Ervine
Jefferson House resident Ervine

These workshops have already had an impact on residents’ goals: Ervine, a Jefferson House resident, credits the workshops with inspiring him to develop a plan to improve his credit and build his savings, with a long-term goal of greater financial stability and the means to move out and find his own place.

In his words, the workshops gave him “hope that [he] can change and have a future again by learning to save and pursue financial goals.”




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